Friday, March 19, 2010

Run run rudolph

Drum roll please.............................................................

I have ran at the track for the last three days, and am quite proud of myself. Hummel park, which is about 5 minutes from the family shop. Hummel park is quite extraordinary. It has a huge track, basketball courts, trails that weave in and out of the woods. etc. Very cool!

My new trick-of-the-trade...

As much as you feel like running where no one can see you, it totally helps to be running in public. Obviously you don't want to look like a whip, so you keep running! My trick. So I go on week days when it is just a bunch on moms running around, and I have at it!.

That's all I have for now... So good day to you!

Monday, March 15, 2010

The sun is our friend!

Hey all three followers!

Well good news on the homefront, I have actually started running! Probably around 4 days a week, 2 days at home, 2 days at the track by our shop in Plainfield. So that is excellent news! Though I am not trying to loose weight, I have lost some from my belly and thighs Yay!

The bad news: It has been raining here for like 5 days! ARGH! So I just don't FEEL like doing anything on these days... But I need to start doing more strength training for the showing season.

For those of you who have an ipod, Do you know that the new ipod nano's have pedometers on them?! Not only that, but enter your weight, and it shows how many calories you have burned! Wow. So high tech.

Did you know, that it is scientifically proven that when you play music louder, you work harder. Don't ask me how, just what I have read. ANNND that your muscles only work as your brain says to. So if your thinking, I am going to run 1/4th of a mile, then that is only as hard as your muscles will go. hmmm. Something to think about huh?

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Well, fun times, fun times...

The weather has cleared and it is about 55 outside, so I went for a run. It was great! I had a good time. One minor issue... It felt like my chest was going to cave in. Hmmm. I told my mom about it, and she said that asthma runs in the family. And my whole life there has been little things that pointed to that.. Like when I would blow up a balloon, I would get really light headed. So I will keep tabs on when stuff like that happens and maybe get it checked out.

I have a new item in my skin care regimen that has saved my skin!

No kidding. It is AMAZING! GO GET SOME! :D

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Inspiration: Makeup

One look I am really liking right now, is the smokey eye. Yes, I know it has been around for quite awhile, but it is really working for my right now...

I just love Hilary's style of makeup. Laid back, not too many colors, but still feminine.

Early morning makeover


After foundation

After eyeliner

After Eyeshadow


Monday, February 15, 2010


My hair texture... and desired length...

I totally wish I looked this good while exercising...

Carrie Underwood is for sure my fashion inspiration. She goes from Country girl, to Country Chic in a heartbeat...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines day guide for dudes...

First off... Don't guys know that balloons for Vday is extremely TACKY?! I was in CVS (Yes, again) and I saw this guy at the checkout with a HUGE, red, heart shaped balloon.. I shook my head in dissaprovement. But then! I saw he ALSO had a huge card too. Then he looked over the counter for any finishing touches to his oh-so-thoughtful gift, and grabbed some fake roses to add. At that, I almost burst out laughing in amazement to his stupidity.

Am I being harsh? I mean, valentines day would seem to me as a time to celebrate your love for one another, not.. Let me buy you some red stuff in the shape of a heart because I care for you, and that is what the world expects me to do. no.

I know a guy who doesn't get his wife anything for Vday, he sends her flowers and such at odd times of the year when she doesn't expect it. That is what I'm talking about! No tacky gifts required for him to show his love for her.

Do you agree? Because I don't want to sound high maintenance... but I don't want a CARD for Valentines day, I want to spend time with the guy! I don't know, this is really just a rambling on.

So what are some acceptable gifts a guy can give. In my opinion. Why should he have to? I think going out for fun, like skating, a movie, etc. Vday is a good excuse to lay aside time to spend with each other.

Oh well. Hope you enjoyed the rambling!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Randomness about makeup, and lack of fittness plan.

Have you ever gone... "I want to buy something that I really don't need..." Well that is what I did today, I had had a long day at my competition, and was in CVS when I passed the wet and wild display.. I thought, "heck, valentine's day is tomorrow, and I don't have a BF so I am going to buy me some dang hot pink lipstick for the heck of it." Well, it's not hot pink.. but pretty close. I will add pics tomorrow when I have some light.

I am going through a weird phase, I am a makeup guru! argh! All I want to do is try out makeup and buy more, and write reviews on it. I don't know why, it's just fun. Like yesterday, I bought foundation, an assortment of brushes, and some translucent powder. Today, I bought some physicians formula concealer, and some freaking awesome lipstick! And the same thing goes with cleansers, and moisturisers, and acne treatments. I just want to try it alllllllll!!! So I obviously can't afford to buy it allllll... so I will just have to cope. :D Tom morrow I am going to take some before and after pictures...

1: Makeup/no makeup
2: my new concealer/no concealer
3: My AWESOME lipstick! yay

I am quite excited about it actually :D

My fitness plan has gone down the tubes for now. Tommorrw I am going to start up again. It is not like I have just been lazy, I have just been busy! Can't wait to take pics!!! Post tomorrow :D

Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh the drama of life

Hello! Oh man are fun things happening :D

Anyhoo, about my teeth whitening.. here's some pics...



Seems like it's working! It has only been like 4 days, so yay!

Okay, i'll admit it, I didn't work out today... *cough cough* or yesterday :/ AHHHH don't yell at meee! argh. No, I have been studying like crazy, and I forgot. Oh well.. I did manage to go to Target today and get the following...

-Remmel Stay something foundation
-Brushes (Concealer, Foundation, and finishing)
-Translucent powder to keep the oil down
urgh... I think thats it actually...

Will write more later <3

Thursday, February 11, 2010

YES I am really rushing a blog post this morning, I have about 5 minutes...

I have just started using this whitening product, in a about a week, i'll take a pic and see if anything has changed... before you buy any beauty product, go to and look up the reviews on it! It has really worked for me :D

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fads of 09

Just some "fashion"
Oh ye soffe shorts... of how many colors do I own thee?

Oh yes, the classic sweatshirt layered with tank top...

Yes, overalls. Never go out of style :D

YES! PLAID! My personal favorite :D

Fitness plan for 2010

2010 brought all sorts of things into view, not only am I about to turn 18, but also this is my last year in 4-H! arrrggh.. Not that it has anything to do with this subject. My goals for fitness is maybe run a half marathon with my half sister. So to get there, I am planning on doing so lower body, core exercise to tone, and strengthen. Also Running at the track a few times a week to prepare. What are your goals? How are you going to get there?

When I was at public school for 8th grade, I ran track, so I have SOME ideas for some exercises. I went down to CVS and got a fitness mag, and have been on the internet non stop looking things up.

Something else I am going to do is to regularly post on what exercises I am doing, how my plans are coming etc. If you are reading this, you should start a blog too! It would be great to keep each other motivated.

A sad example of a first post...

Well, welcome to my blog, one of many. If you are interested in my "Normal" life, check out the link over to the right > Where it says Hoosierhorsegirl. That is my blog where I write about anything BUT what I talk about on here. So what you can expect is picture, occasional videos, articles, updates on my fitness, beauty finds, etc. Enjoy! let me know if you have visited by commenting!